Destiny Desjarlais — Canada

written by VICTORIA PRINGLE . Listen chump I’m just gonna go straight from here and use the same pic that was on your other post since I have you blocked on EVERYTHING. Stop talking about my past, stop talking about my previous addiction, stop asking junkies on the street about me ( who I haven’t spoken to since I was 17) stop fuking saying there’s gang members in MY HOME where my BABY sleeps and worry about your mother fuking self. First I’m a junkie? Then I’m selling myself on mackenzie? Oh but wait – Then I’m going to school for social work, then I’m being a mom? ***** witch one is it ? I may be a super mom and one **** of a multi tasker but I ain’t that fuking good to juggle all that. Before you post about someone, spreading lies and ruining lives maybe think twice ??I’m not one to exploit my business or life on media platforms but this **** is getting RIDICULOUS.. thinking I posted you get your fuking facts straight. The next time you reach out to me to even apologize I’m charging you with harassment. Maybe one day you’ll find your way and I truly hope u do chicky. You’ve met me multiple times and know that I ain’t the type to **** around. So the next time you spread one more false word about me , I promise watch out..

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