Destiny Adelaide Swink — Murfreesboro, Tennessee

So this nasty skagg has been in my boyfriends inbox harassing him trying to say he’s her almost two year olds baby daddy. We started dating about 4 months ago. She keeps telling him he needs to send her child support. He had a vasectomy 5 years ago so there is no way he’s the daddy.He slept with her 1 time after taking her home from the bar she worked at. He said she was the worst **** he ever had and would never even touch her again. A couple months later she turns up pregnant and says she has herpes. My mans been tested and definitely doesn’t have it so who knows who she got it from. So far he’s found 3 other men she’s doing this to. She’s a gold digging *****. She was married at the time and he found out once he searched her on Facebook. Now she’s got some other Poor sucker on the hook who is claiming the kid. Yet she still keeps trying my man. 2 weeks ago she sent him a message asking if he wanted to meet up an **** for old times sake. She ain’t nothing but a nasty gold digging ***** who doesn’t even know who her baby daddy is. She needs to get it through her dumbass inbred head that he ain’t the daddy. Oh and to add he asked for a paternity test and she refused. Now if you’re so sure wouldn’t you take one no problem? Either way I hope she sees this and knows everybody is on to her **** so she better stop before she gets her fat acne face nasty *** Whooped.

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