Dess Ranee Byram — Grand Prairie, Texas

She met my husband while he was working on her sister’s home. She quickly started a conversation with him and ask for his number so she could get work done on her home. She got him talking about his wife and found out that she was very ill and had been for quite sometime. Because of my illness there was no intimacy in our marriage at this time. My husband is a sweet, kind, gentle man and in the 5 years that I have been ill he never strayed until her. She kept at him to just have *** nothing committed just ***. Shortly after they tried to have ***( my poor husband could not preform) she demanded he sign for her a car or she would have to speak to his wife. So he did. Two months into the car deal she told him she could no longer make the payments and that he would have to or once again she would have to speak to his wife so he gave her 500.00 from our Christmas fund. The next month she ask for the same thing once again he gave it to her just to protect me. But before the month was even up she came to him again and said she needed 1000.00 at this point there was no way to meet her demands so he came to me. I can understand him needing the comfort of another woman what I have a problem with is this ***** pretended to be his friend to get all the insight into his life that she could to use against him. Well we have tried to retrieve the car but to no avail and to this day she refuses to give it up. If someone has an idea on how we can retrieve this vehicle and save out credit please let us know until then beware of this woman she has no morals, no respect or concern for others she will try to destroy all you hold of value. Her name is Dess Ranee Byram.

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