Desiree Sedehi Murnane is married and hits on strangers at bars. She is extremely pushy and clings to random strangers. Tried to hold their hand and fondle even when told to buzz off. Prefers white men and has been asked to Leave college bars previously because of behavior. She may follow men from preparatory classes like Barbie. After getting snubbed, she abuses her position to continue to harass the individual. A male who was harassed was engaged to be married and had a wedding planned even though Desiree continued to make inappropriate contact sometimes in a courtroom just to get the males attention. Has been known to even reach out to exes and ask about her prey. This person does not take rejection well, is very sexual, comes on too strong, and worst of all abuses her position to continue staking. Be very careful of her. She prefers men who she knows.