Deshanna Williams — Louisiana

This ***** met my husband on POF (Plenty of Fish) about a year ago. Granted she did not know he was married but later found out he was. Instead of walking away she kept trying her best to stay in my husband’s life. My husband and I moved from Louisiana to Georgia. I know my husband very well. He will use a female he has no respect for to the point until he doesn’t need them anymore. This girl was sending coochie pics of the both of them having *** to his email. He asked me to close the email with a lie that he doesn’t want anyone in his business but I know better than that. My husband closed that email because this girl must have questioned him about why she could no longer get into his email and he gave her a very convincing lie. The difference between me and them clueless *** b1tches, they believe his lies but I NEVER DID. We separated because his daughter and her mother who I extend my good graces to and allow to stay in my house, decided to play games. He lives in one part of Georgia and I live 45 mins away from him. Since coming here to Georgia his daughter who is very slack herself has since left his house to go wild and crazy around Atlanta. I have never did anything but love his daughter like my own but she and her mother came into my house with other things in mind. His daughter has gotten close to this girl because the girl is just as loose as she is. My husband and I have reconciled for the past couple months with this chick from Louisiana not taking a hint to LET GO OF A MARRIED MAN and find someone single and not on a website. It’s thanksgiving weekend and my husband and I had plans with the kids. Apparently miss slack, clueless and loose realize he’s been going ghost on her, so she showed up here in Atlanta. The kids and I usually spend a couple nights out of the week with my husband and since Friday I had a feeling that this girl was here because I notice the names on my Netflix changed. I questioned my husband about it and he played dumb as usual but still that feeling I get when he lies, was still lingering. Then tonight I came home to finding that this ***** changed my Hulu information as well to her name, my husband’s name and his sloring daughter who is exactly like this girl. I tried to work on my marriage. I always try to be kind to people and believe the best in them even when they don’t deserve it but it always doesn’t work in my favor. I really wish this girl, my husband and his daughter the best. I gave them all my best and they spat in my face, **** on my face and wipe their feet on me. Now I’m about to use that energy to tell my story and blast all of them out in public. I wish them nothing but the best because I serve a higher power. Like I always say, “If you do not believe in Karma and that it will get you back, believe in *** because if karma doesn’t get you, trust me, *** will teach you a lesson.” I will pray *** does not be too harsh on them with his punishment. Live life believing there is a *** who punishes the wicked and if you do not believe in ***, believe in Karma because it will teach you a harsher lesson than *** will. What goes around has a habit of manifesting itself back around.

5 thoughts on “Deshanna Williams — Louisiana

  1. You sound like a woman SCORN… Clearly you stated that 1)Deshanna didn’t know your husband was married REALLY?… be careful when you play with *** ma’am …. For you to talk about your husband’s child makes you a sad individual…You are MISERABLE & PATHETIC & for that I have no respect for you as a Woman … reading this makes you sound like a child…. Then to say “*** WILL TEACH THEM A LESSON” he needs to teach you to NEVER come after a WOMAN when clearly you have A CHEATING HUSBAND WHO CLEARLY DOESN’T RESPECT NOR LOVE YOU….. the pic that should be up here is your husband… My Advice to you : PUT YOUR GROWN WOMAN PANTIES ON & WALK AWAY & FIND YOU A MAN THAT LOVES & RESPECT ONLY YOU

  2. Look lil BIOTCH I know the person you trying to slander. What is wrong with your sad sorry *** is that you are bitter and mad with the wrong person. If she didn’t know he was marry and he didn’t tell her why you bitter and mad with her. Also, when she did find out he was marry and separated he still pursed her as though your marry didn’t existed so get over BIOTCH! Didn’t you divorce him you need to moved on, he showed did. That’s what’s wrong women they want to blame and drag another women for not knowing about a marry man who has a pattern of cheating on women. Finally HOE they are engaged and she has a BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND RING. Wait you forgot to tell your skeleton in the closet. Wonder why you didn’t tell how you was running with him when he was marry to his first wife oops you forgot to mention that. It’s funny how the way you got him you lost him the same way, you should bashing him instead of the other women because a home wrecker too. Let’s keep in mind you got one more time to repost anything about this wonderful person we will take legal action. This is my best friend to trying to down grade. Speaking of karma it happened to you. I see you speaking of ***, if you had a Christian heart you wouldn’t be writing this untrue stuff about a person you know nothing about and trying to slander and ruin her name.
    LET IT GO!!!

  3. Reading this write up about another woman Is very sad whomever the author is I feel bad for you. How can u speak of *** and then bash and slander someone in the same breath is just pathetic. Your saying u don’t blame her because she didn’t know he was married but clearly you do. Why is that his name and photo not on this site why is it that u can’t just get over the fact that u had a husband that did not want u any more why can’t u just move forward with your life and let this lady live her life.. Are you that much of a hateful bitter woman that u would make up lies about someone to try to bring them down, I know u must feel stupid thinking that ppl would be on your side and from reading the other 2 comments we all think your a woman that has low self esteem and bitter. Are u that jealous of this woman that u trying to make it seem like she broke up your marriage… When are we gonna stop blaming other women for our men cheating. Maybe next time you’ll think before u let your hurt get the better of you because what u do to ppl will always come back to u so karma is a ***** just remember that

  4. You are a sorry pathetic miserable poor excuse of a woman. Lets get this straight for the last time. She didn’t know he was married and she didn’t meet him on plenty of fish.She is not aB1tch.Your husband ran behind her like a dog that he is chasing after a bone. His picture should be on that site for Worst Cheating Husband,you choose to slander her name with your lies and untrue facts. She did not break up your marriage it was already broken. When were you all working on the marriage? when she was there at least 14 days in the month plus,she had a key to come and go as she please.why you keep going after her and not the other women he cheated with? BECAUSE THIS IS DIFFERENT!!! BECAUSE YOU SEE THAT HE LOVE HER!!! They been together for 3 years.Maybe he didn’t know what love was until he met her and you’re bitter and jealous of their relationship. You are divorced.Leave her alone.Get a life. Move on.Stop using ***”s name. Clearly you don’t know who he is.

  5. I know this person and please anybody reading this. Do not believe a word his ex wife is saying .She is a bitter jealous spiteful scorned woman,and she chose to try and slander this person’s name because she wanted to get back with him and he didn’t want her. He had moved on and she just can’t accept this.THe post she did is about 4 years old and now she is reposting it again she can’t seem to let it go.They are divorced. Supposedly she have a man.She’s just jealous of the love that he share with this other woman.Stop blaming the other woman for what went wrong in your marriage.If she suspected this woman was in georgia,why didn’t she go over to the house and confront the other woman.Because they were not together.She rather stoop so low and put this **** on a site to make this woman look bad when in fact her husband should be on this site.He told her that they were separated.He told her they were not getting back together.He was constantly calling and seeing her.She was going out there to georgia every month to see him,and he was coming to La to see her.You need to let it go.Its not her fault he cheated on you with other women,but all your anger is directed toward her.Use some of that energy to help heal yourself so you can move forward.You must be a really sad miserable woman to post something like this in the future think before u act. You wouldn’t want someone posting something about you that’s not true

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