Derwin M Robinson — Florida

I met Derwin Robinson in 2018 at my job in Orlando FL, he was sweet, such a gentleman the perfect man any woman would desire to have. Derwin needed information on a client since he work for the Sate of Florida and my job coincide with his he had to visit my place of employment for information. While sitting giving him the information he was very professional but he had the time to give me his personal cell phone number and his business card and I did the same giving him my phone numbers. The following day he gave me a call to invite me for lunch which I accepted, while at lunch trying to get to know Mr charming I asked him if he was in a relationship his response was NO he was married but is now divorced. Well, Well, Well this was too good to be true, so we began talking on a steady flow not intimate because I really wanted to get to know him, but of course we kiss which wasn’t impressive at all. In December of 2018 still not intimate with him he sent me naked pics of his private which I still have and promise to take to his boss one day. This was truly a bit of a turn off but I found it a bit funny. Well in January 2018 I finally got intimate with him he took me to his place the place I didn’t know he shared with his woman he has been with for years. This man remove all the woman stuff hide them so I wont see and began to seduce me on her bed how low down of a man he is. I found out in June 2018 he was involve with someone or I should say about 4 other females in the Orlando area when I call the one who have lived with who is a flight attendant and was on the plane when I gave her the news i was seeing him and he took me to her place while I was at work. She was very polite wasn’t shock because she knew of his cheating ways for years. But what made me angry he would not answer my calls because he was in Panama City Florida attending a friends wedding. At this point all what I wanted was the $200 he borrowed from me to fix his stink tooth, but I got to Find out from his woman it was to pay his rent. Tell me this man works for the state always broke, drive a fancy black truck and rent a room. This man is a user,a liar, a thief and a big impressionist. I told him he mess with the wrong person and I needed my money back which I did receive back in 2 stages. If he tries to talk to you run, he is a broke a** *** has nothing to offer but his truck and his handsome face and his 500 watches which he brags about all the time. He is a 5 minute man he needs ******.

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