Derica Mercer — Canada

This little troll is repulsive! I feel for her poor children especially the youngest little meth baby😞. Thank *** she doesnt have any of the 3! Good thing she aborted #4 world doesnt need anymore meth babys. Shes a home wrecking scabby meth head … She will f@ck ANYONE im Suprised her gaping hole hasnt rotted and fallen off. Honestly you could catch @ids just from smelling her. This scum is a bad thief she even frauded out her own step dad … Facebook has made her famous with all the head **** shes pulled lil b*tch always gets out of jail cuz shes a C.I ask ryan gomez.. When he gets out after his 8 yr bit. She has 3 or 4 boyfriends at any given time and she mind **** them all. Keep your distance gents this ones as ruthless and ratchet as they come

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