Derek Thornton Bruder — London, Canada

This guy is insane!!! He abuses women, stalks them. De he attacked his baby mama in front of their kid with a knife. . He lies cheats, lives on welfare and isn’t allowed around his kid. Beware of this douche

3 thoughts on “Derek Thornton Bruder — London, Canada

  1. Whenever posted this you’re a complete *******. This is my family and family business. Who puts these intimate details of **** that went on in a family involving a innocent child on a site like this? If you have a problem with Derek deal with it in person not hiding behind a screen. Ffs

  2. im the owner of this photo and i don’t give you permission who ever you are to be using it. also this info isnt even true about derek thornton bruder i see my daughter everyday and i don’t stalk women online complete bs i made mistakes in the pasted so who ever you are please take this down as the info is not true

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