Debra Saenz Pickert — Lawton, Oklahoma

This piece of garbage had a 4 month affair with my piece of **** husband while working for a government contract. She actually believes she’s not a homewrecker because he looked her up. She knew he was still married and had children. Also, she’s still married. She doesn’t know how to do anything except play bingo, shoot pool and lay on her back freely. This isn’t the only married man she’s had an affair with. Then last September after my husband (Billy) got fired and came home, I found out he was just home to save up money just so he could leave us and go be with her. We have been married for almost 28 years, 20 years in the military. I’ve been a loyal, faithful wife to him. I couldn’t have *** very often due to cancer. Last week he finally left us. She knew and encouraged him to not only leave his children, grandson and me. He also left behind his aging 94 year old mother, whom has mini strokes almost on a weekly basis. She doesn’t work and mooches money off him all the time. All she does is use him for a taxi and pays him in ***. She has no morals and values and has a black heart.

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