Debbie McKeever — #1 Slum Lord in San Francisco

Debbie McKeever and her father, Al Delorenzi, are dangerous slum lords and liars. They own a property at 901 Stanyan, a large apartment building in San Francisco. The building is horribly maintained and in a dangerous condition. Additionally, they allow anyone to move in, have had dangerous unvetted tenants living in the building, allow pit bulls and other aggressive breeds; drug usage is rampant. While living there, I experienced drugs from the unit below wafting up through the floor and walls into my unit and the one above me. Our apartments were so filled with smoke we thought there must be a smoldering fire in the walls and called the fire department. It was meth smoke and pot smoke and whatever other drugs our downstairs neighbor was using. When confronted, Debbie denied the problem and said that there was no way smoke could get in between the floors. She also stated that older tenants were allowed to smoke. The building is supposed to be smoke-free. While I was living there, a woman moved in next door to me with an enormous, terrifying pit bull. These dogs are not good in a group setting. They turn on a dime and do not like unexpected movements or sounds or people. Having to encounter this animal in the hallway was so frightening I had to time my exits so as not to run into them, if at all possible. Which, of course, was unavoidable. The building is under San Francisco rent control and is by law required to have an onsite property manager for a good reason. There isn’t one. When pressed, she and the father will get one of the dumb tenants to say they are the “contact” person for the property, but I assure you, there is a violation of law here, and when you need someone, there is no one to call. When I first moved in, they had some low-life-looking guy doing it, and one night when I needed something, I only found out about him by speaking to another tenant in the building. His “manager” status was not common knowledge because he wasn’t actually a manager. When I knocked on the door, since, of course, no telephone number or email was provided, he was angry and slammed the door in my face. After he moved out, the drug guy that was causing so much smoke was named the manager. Hard to fathom, but true. After moving in, when I got home from work, I noticed that things in my apartment had been moved on more than one occasion. I realized that the landlord was entering my apartment during the day when I was at work. I changed the locks. While I was homesick, I heard someone trying to put a key in the lock one day. No knock, just trying to get in. I looked out the peephole, and there he was. I sat there and listened. He eventually gave up and left. The next day I got an email from Al Delorenzi telling me he had lost the key to my apartment and to leave him a copy. I don’t know how often he was going in there, but I do know that it had become a regular thing. He, of course, denied it. I heard him going into other apartments near mine when I know my neighbors were at work. One time I had been smelling some strange odor, like a plastic kind of smell. This I attributed to the guy downstairs and figured it was his new drug that I, too, get to experience. This went on for about a week. On Saturday morning, I awoke to no power in the apartment. Thinking it was a blown breaker, I went downstairs to the boxes only to find the fire department and PG&E working on the electrical. When I asked what was going on, I was told that one of the boxes had been “fixed” and done improperly. On the table was a big melted electrical something or other. The fire guy said it was a miracle the entire place didn’t burn down. Debbie and Al had hired the guy across the street who used to be an electrician to do a major fix to some problem ( I knew what it was, I have since forgotten), and he did it wrong and certainly not to code. This is a list as long as my arm is problems I encountered living there. They are seriously deviant, derelict owners of this building. It is dangerous; they are dangerous and criminal in their dealings. DO NOT EVER have anything to do with these scumbags. You will regret it.

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