Debbie Kasner — Caldwell, Idaho

Her ex-boyfriend beat the living **** out of her… and her husband that she is still married to… beat the **** out of her but then she stays with her ex-boyfriend until after Christmas… that way he can pay for all her kids toys and everything else. Pay to get her eyebrows tattooed on and touched up… pay for her truck for the next six months… and then puts a protection order on him saying that he’s abusive and beats her and all this other stuff when all she wanted was to use him for his money and stuff like that. She is a money h** Galore then she cheats on him with some dude at the bar gets an STD and then blames it on him. I seen the test reports from him and he doesn’t have it. Only she does because he got her on a text message saying that she has it and everything else but her name is Debbie Harger and she is actually switching to her other last name as Debbie Kasner. So fair warning guys, she might look good but she’s crazy and psycho and will cheat on you the moment you turn your back or let her be free. Takes your money and then will run and say that you did something to her, that’s why she left just another money user.

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