Deanna Michelle Brown — Florida

Deanna Michelle Brown (dob 2/10/1982) of Seminole and Volusia Counties Florida (she moves around a lot because people keep throwing her out when she burns them out) is treacherous because she is a ceaseless liar, conniving manipulator, serial user, a convicted thief, a *** worker, a habitual drug user. and a home wrecker. She has not an ounce of respect for any other person, especially if their significant other or husband can somehow benefit her, she will go in for the kill no matter whether she may be hurting and destroying a family. She refuses to grow up and take any responsibility for herself which shows in her numerous arrests over many, many years for theft , battery and drugs and she’s fine with having someone else take over her duties as a mother for raising her own child. She doesn’t want any responsibility to care for another person, She doesn’t want to work for a living. She wants everyone obligated to take care of her. What she does want is someone who she can sucker into supporting her party life, be a financial crutch, bail her out of jail, run her around so she can shoplift and steal, and pay her bills. Men beware! If you don’t want to get involved in a tangled web of misery, don’t think this package is a free ride. She is a tramp of all tramps.

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