Dean Micetich — California

Dean Micetich cheats on their wife all the time. Dean Micetich of Los Angeles from dice magazine cheats on his wife Annie Fair. He told me they were in an open relationship and that she is ok with him having *** with other women and having girlfriends. other women, he was with told me the same that he sleeps around and it’s ok according to too him. until my friend who knew him for years and also slept with him in 2014 found out the truth that he is A CHEATER. He is lying to his wife and thinks she’s a fool and that he can talk his way out of anything. He not only had *** with me in 2017 UK but I heard of three other women. He ***** girls from his magazine and puts their pictures in to keep em quiet. I’m sorry to Annie i did not know for sure beforehand and I wish I had.

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