Davie Gazda — Wise, Virginia

Okay before I start, I will say my husband (soon to be ex) is out of the house for good, Joseph Sadler is just as responsible for turning my life and our kid’s live’s upside down and she is. She was supposed to be my friend, though, I even contacted her to help him get the job (my mistake). Then I started hearing rumors but they were very smooth with it and he would come home and tell me this and that happened but it’s just b/c xyz. Then it started you don’t have to pick me up she’ll give me a ride home, or a ride to work, and there was a lot of text late at night about “work”. I was too stupid and trusting (b/c what is a relationship without trust) to listen to others and my gut. on 1/16/17, they snuck up to us while I had our 8-year-old at baton class to get his clothes. So I have written to her “man” to let him know everything that is going on. The moral of the story never trust anyone and trust your friends even less. Yes, this may be petty to submit the story to this site, but dang it is making me feel better and I am not worried about hurting him, anymore, when he can throw away someone who would have given him the world and stood by him through everything.

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