He is my ex husband of 18 years, and he is a sociopath. He lives in Concord, works for public transit – commuters say they shouldn’t ever strike.He is extremely “charming” – pretends to hear, understand, and “cares” about you. Truth is, he is ADHD too – he might hear words, but forgets half, puts the other half wherever he wants. The ONLY time he cares about anyone, is when it benefits HIM. He completely lacks compassion, empathy, and has NO clue at all what love is.He’s a total hypocrite, liar, he’s sneaky, and plays nasty mind games. His bad emotions and lack of emotion, are his Mother’s fault. He’s a “victim” – everyone treats him wrong – he never does anything wrong, and says so. Apologize? Never.Short list of things he did. He justified all of them, saying I did something in the past, forcing him to make these choices. Then, he’d tell people he wanted something from, a completely different story, making me look like a monster. He is picky about who he plays his game with – he hates me, because I know who he is and what he does. HE WILL NEVER CHANGE – he WILL use and abuse you, then leave without a care in the world. I’M NOT HIS ONLY EX. He did the exact same thing to them too.

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