David Parker — Murphy, Texas

This man is a mean abusive drunken *******. He presents well at first. Tall 6’2″, dark curly hair, nice smile – a little goofy actually. He drinks every day and comes on like a freight train. He is so insecure if you talk to another guy he will keep you up all night whining a ********, there is no breaking his fixation on anything he thinks slighted him. If you don’t get out soon he starts with the manipulation, and the guilt, then comes the mean angry name calling. Nasty, hateful phone calls, and texts that are aimed to hurt your self respect, your pride. In between the hate mail comes the begging and pleading to take him back, give him another chance. De he is a classic narcissist and you should steer clear. He may make it look like he is sane, but trust me going in too deep will cost you your freedom and self worth. He will try and take them both.

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