David Brodosi — Florida

“During this phone conversation, he (David Brodosi) directed me toward a web site which featured adult fiction of an erotic nature. He (David Brodosi) asked me to read a story aloud to him on the phone, and I complied. When I concluded, he (David Brodosi) said that he enjoyed it to the point of climax.” David strides into the dark room in the corner of the house. Sitting in a subservient way on the bed is Cat, hands clasped and head down, wearing leather bra and panties. In the game they are about to play, he is dominant. He affixes a collar around her neck to show his ability to control her and she trembles. He asks her if she wants this and she says yes, master. He takes silk scarves from a dresser, lashing her wrists in front of her, and then tying both wrists to the upper bed posts.

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