Dave Micheals — Florida

David Micheals is an abusive sorry excuse of a man. He is a bad husband who cheats on his wife with feature entertainers. He is cruel to the dancers unless they have *** with him. He has become physically and verbally abusive to these women who pay his bills through commission for work he barely does. He is an egotistical sorry excuse of a man. It’s a sad reality but unfortunately he has a monopoly on most of the clubs in the USA. if you don’t play by his book you aren’t getting any work. He has singlehandedly ruined the feature entertainment circuit by only booking pornstars who can’t dance, mostly because they have *** with him. My wife has had so much heartache dealing with this piece of abusive ****. He is a cancer to the industry and has zero respect for women though without them he wouldn’t have a job. Men like this deserve nothing. At several conventions he has gotten drunk and raised his hand on women who he works with and nothing was done about it. Why this guy gets a pass is beyond me. He belongs in jail.

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