Darren Michael Allen — Georgia

Darren is a 50 year-old bearded jerk. He is a serial womanizer who thinks women are stupid. A woman’s only purpose is to gratify him and his personal utility as a woman slayer. He may have several women on his food chain at once. He’s a power user on Yahoo, and sometimes makes mistakes when he flips back and forth between women, then he lies about it. He is on all the major dating sites touting that a cup of coffee at Starbucks is a real date. He’s ultra smart, but extremely narcissistic, lacking any real relationship skills beyond being a troll under a bridge. He will say he loves you, adores you, and a perfect match for him in a long-term scenario. He preys on women who are educated, I suppose so his brain won’t implode in conversation, and to prove his misguided point that all women are stupid. He’s a world-class woman-hater bordering on socio-path, so beware ladies. He’s a mathematician and keeps spreadsheets of his conquests. He can be found lurking online at a Starbucks in Georgia, near you.

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