Dany Araj – Florida

So I dated Dany for a couple of months. Things were always strange with him trying to get together. He told me he had his sister staying at good house from Dubai. But we did get together for several dates, but there were a lot of lunches. I couldn’t understand why he couldn’t really make plans with me. I really fell for this creep too. We did sleep together and I really wanted to move things forward.. we even talked about being exclusive. But we also argued a lot and when I would say that I wasn’t sure about things he would throw at me that I just wanted to date other people. Well.. a girlfriend of mine wanted to know his full name.. Dany Araj. So I told her and she had a friend of hers do some investigating.. all of my friends told me was with someone else and I didn’t want to believe it. Well, come to find out this jerk is engaged!!!! He’s living with his fiance and there’s even a kid involved!!!! I saw pictures, saw they have the address, and home phone number. I’m such an idiot because I really felt like I was falling for him. Uuuuuugh. So dumb. I just wanted to warn other girls because he’s on tinder and bumble and I’m sure after me he’ll be looking for his next victum. Sucks.

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