Danny Smith — California

Danny is a complete womanizer. He is unfaithful to every single woman he dates. I dated him for most of the year and it’s been confirmed that he has cheated on me with 7 women (that I know of) including two of his ex girlfriends. He has been sleeping with his ex girlfriend Maria for the past 6 years and continues to mess around with her. He lies straight to people’s faces about it and continues to find woman in the area to victimize. He cheats publicly at bars like 311 and crown & crow and doesn’t seem to care when he gets caught and goes on to find the next victim for his games. He’s manipulative and very good with his words, but will change his story quickly once he’s caught. It’s hard to believe anything he says. He will manipulate women into feeling sorry for him and drags them back into his little mind games.

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