Danielle Davis — Idaho

Danielle or “Dani” seems to only like to go after men who are committed. Not only has this junkie wormed her way into my relationship but I’ve found multiple other woman who’s marriages have been destroyed by Dani. She told one wife she only slept with her husband multiple times to help her “get away” from her husband and prove he was no good. What a joke! As for me, she was brought into mine and my now ex’s home by a mutual friend of ours and would flirt with my ex right in front of me. I don’t know when exactly their affair started but after I left him he moved her right in the second he could. Apparently he felt bad because she would sleep with men for a place to stay and for drugs. Not only that but she tried to force my children to call her mom when the kids would go to my ex’s but here is the real kicker, I found out she lost custody of her own daughter due to child endangerment charges and drugs. I told my ex the kids couldn’t be around her while visiting so he decided he would rather have her around instead of them so he chose to no longer see the kids. As far as I know my relationship is the 7th one she’s destroyed and that’s so far the ones I found out about, I’m sure there is plenty more. So ladies, if Dani ever crosses your path keep your man far away from her and please enjoy one of her many mugshots!

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