Daniel J. Lewis — Tarzana, Los Angeles

Daniel J. Lewis is a complete scam artist. He hurt me and used me for $8,500. He didn’t pay for anything and lived in my place for free. He was abusive, crazy, insecure, controlling. He tried to kill me for my credit card. De he has a few kids who he doesn’t see or pay for . He was married and is now living with a single mother, his new victim who just met him online. He even posted a video of him and her daughter. I can’t belive this woman left her kid with this crazy Phsyco. Daniel J. Lewis is here illegally and scams people for money and abuses them. Do not date this crazy steroid and drug using guy he gets his drugs because he is a doctor.. His life is all a lie on facebook and other social media. He pretends to be a good man which is all a scam. If u see him call the police! Because he is a doctor do not get played by him

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