Daniel Alex Garcia — Los Angeles, California

Ladies, beware of this man! Not only is he not a firefighter, but he’s also a liar, a cheater, has STD’s, and he’s broke! De he told me he was single, that his name was Damien, that he was 25, and a firefighter! When in reality, he is not a firefighter, he’s married, is 28 years old and his real name is Daniel Alex Garcia. He also has an extensive criminal history. When confronted with the facts he blocked me on Snapchat and blocked my number! He also gave me Stds! Please keep your daughters away from this man! He is not who he says he is! He is not a firefighter for the Arcadia fire department! He is a construction worker and still lives at his mom’s house! His truck is not even registered to him! He is back on the dating site “Chispa” please if someone knows who his wife is let her know that her man is out here cheating on her and giving women STDS!

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