Dana Waters Sean Waters – Los Angeles, California

Here is what your followers have been asking for… The dirty **** video of Dana and Sean Waters! These two have made a name for themselves in Hollywood as the biggest scam artists ever. They have ripped off a slew of people for this fake “Starfire” movie they claim DC Comics is distributing. Beware of these two! Dana and Sean have many aka’s you can find them listed on IMDb.com with all their fake credits as Tribal, Dana X. Waters, and Sean X. Waters. I located a rip off report with 22 alligations! Beware of the sexual predators!! Read the report at https://www.ripoffreport.com/reports/sean-peden-of-22-entertainment/internet/sean-peden-of-22-entertainment-sean-peden-is-a-sexual-predator-that-takes-advantage-of-yo-1055443 They start their scam by asking 10K for a producer credit and role in their fake projects that never get distributed, then they go into hiding to avoid being served by the courts. If you see either of them run as fast as you can. The “wannabe actress” has several FREE **** videos already out! Dana Waters and her pimp Sean Water aka Sean Peden star in several *** videos and they are all FREE to view on [redacted]

3 thoughts on “Dana Waters Sean Waters – Los Angeles, California

  1. If you believe this report, you’ll believe anything. Dana is hot and everyone wants her to be in ****. Nothing wrong with that. Sean is not some predator, find a mugshot, their is none.

    All the best, internet trolls.

  2. Sean is the big, predator troll going down after decades of hurting others. Every reply from a fan is a sick lie from his fingers.

    Sean, you are a coward. You are a Predator. You hurt women, children, the elderly. Everything is always about poor you. You only cry for yourself. You only pray to *** to help you get out of your scum ways when the heat is on.

    Not only have you destroyed your name, reputation, & any way to hide your lies by your own hand. Changing your name multiple times. Ditching states. Always running. You “work” and “hobbies” are your own Confession. Greed and perverted, narcissistic ways are YOU. You haven’t changed.

    You live with your Step-dad now. Your poor Mom. Buying the lies that everyone was jealous of you. They don’t believe you.

    No need to reply as a superfan. We get it. You’re the Hero.

  3. Sean Peden is a scam artist and sexual predator who lives with his parents.

    Days of being scum age you well, fool. Pretending to be Mr. Film- you’re Mister Incel.

    Shaun Peden Shaun Waters Sean Waters Dana Peden- how can anyone be friends with you? You change your name and your family has to pretend that’s normal. Hysterical.

    Racism, lying, misogyny, animal abuse, hurting teens and children- you are pathetic as they come.

    Anyone reading this- this coward isn’t bullied. He runs from accountability like the true bottom feeder he is. He only cares for himself. If you are a girl, never lower yourself to his predator bologna.

    Unhinged, liar, theif. Wants to work with little girls without parents around. You are a sicko.

    Humanity loses while you suck up air, wanting to feel special.

    Some people can’t be helped. That’s you, pal.

    Check out ripoff report and Google search to keep up with his honorable ways!

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