Dale Carman — Houston, Texas

Dale Carman has been seeing multiple floozies a week for thirty years. Almost all why he was married to one of his three wives. He prefers to go to Asian massage parlors which are filthy pits of human trafficking and underage women forced into *** slavery. De he is a filthy, disgusting pig who masquerades behind a facade of being a “Christian” when in fact he’s cheated on all his wives with many, many floozies and continues to see floozy several days a week. He works at [REDACTED] in Dallas. And any of their customers are supporting his disgusting habits. Companies like Toyota, The Dallas Mavericks, The Perot Museum, Daypack, SMU, BASF, Baylor, Corona beer, and AT&T support this dirtbag by paying [REDACTYED]. They are also disgusting. They should know better than to do business with a sick monster like Dale Carman.

1 thought on “Dale Carman — Houston, Texas

  1. Dale Carman used to live near Houston. Dale Carman now lives in Plano Texas and works at a Dallas video game company called groove jones. Dale Carman and his hooker wife Erika Anna Maclean Carman are the worst kind of people you can imagine. Dale Carman is a complete fraud. Dale Carman is A fake Christian who sleeps with prostitutes and has his wife prostitute herself from their own bedroom.

    Dale Carman belongs in prison for his many crimes.

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