Dakota Gresham — Jerseyville, Illanois

This woman Dakota Gresham is married and the worst part is her husband knows all about what she is. This woman begged my husband to sleep with her and to leave me and be with her instead. She didn’t even plan to leave her husband and when my husband declined her husband text him what a coward and how worthless he was for not wanting to talk to or sleep with his wife. I guess they have their own open relationship and that’s their business but her definition of open is trying to take others spouses. She’s tried with 5 people from her work in only 6 months with three being married, all the while posting herself as a sweet caring devoted wife and mom while her husband sleeps with whomever too and helps her play the part. She continued to beg and send prey on them with pic after pic of herself and threatening to kill herself if they didn’t want her and even went as far to make scenes at work yelling, crying, confessing her love and begging, then tells me she was just trying to give him someone to screw and leave and that’s prob what he wanted with me but I just never left… pathetic as they come.

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