CVS Pharmacy — Unprofessional Pharmacy Staff

After 3-12years of going back forth with this location staff regarding many occasions where my medication has been denied refills or delayed for many days because they were contacting the wrong doctor to the prescription. I’ve informed them multiple times and even gone into their location personally that this doctor was someone I’ve seen Once or twice almost 4yrsago and he hasn’t been my doctor since. Yet they have continued to cause me hardships when it comes to receiving the medications I need for my diabetes. For three a half years this pharmacy location has filled all of my prescriptions which they used the correct doctor for all except the one I need most. How difficult is it for them to realize that all of my prescriptions are from the same doctor which they have his complete information on file. Explain to me why I must encounter offensive behavior negative attitudes whenever they choose to anger me with these consistent mistakes. It’s like they just don’t care if I get sick from not having my medicine or that I’m even a diabetic patient. address this location’s staff , as-well as the head pharmacist in charge and hold everyone accountable for their actions. I’m a senior citizen and I deserve to treated with as-much respect as anyone. Who are these people to stereotype me or judge me as to whether or not I deserve their respect? After-all, these are not doctors, they’re kids assisting the pharmacist around the office filling prescriptions. Their egos tell them that they’re above the rest of us and they can treat us anyway they want.

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