Crystal Ramos-Cantu — San Antonio, Texas

This woman had been fuking other guys behind her husband’s back the whole time, and one guy she was fuking, in particular, was from another church who was about to have a baby with their wife. This stupid piranha looking b1tches phone number was in his phone, her hair was in his car, apartment, everything. The guy is a realtor from Illinois that lives here now in SA and goes to a small church who changes their name a lot and was fuking this ugly *** can’t the whole time he was in a relationship with someone else. She wasn’t the only one he was ******* with, there were more but he lied to his fiancé. Both are “Faithful” “FAKE *** CHRISTIANS” who deserve to go to **** with their fake *** preaching. I’m just a close friend who knew about his scandals. Steer clear of these tiny churches, they’re the worst ones. Fuking Waco freaks! That’s the *** who cheats on her husband. She deserves her *** to be kicked. Stupid *****. And the realtor guy too. Dirty Ex, He’s the fakest of them all. He would lie to his fiancé saying he had to go “pray” with his pastor but he was really going out to meet this ugly ***** and *** her. He would tell all his dirty secrets about his **** addiction and small *** ****. Both of these pathetic losers can both suck ***** for all I care!! WACOOOOOO!!!

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