Crystal Pratt — Tuscola, Illinois

Crystal Pratt will prey on ANY man and will DEFINITELY go after married ones. She slept with my husband and gave him STD’s. She will pretend to be a “friend” to any man. She SUCKS money out of them and plays the sympathy card. She sells her XANAX to people to make money and is under psychiatric care. I work in the same line of work and thought she had little class but had no idea how little. She drinks Constantly and calls into work often because of her pathetic need for CONSTANT attention. She’ll beg, borrow, or steal anything not nailed down. She sits at her computer all day flirting with too many men to count. She finds plenty of them online too. What she can’t spread her diseases to in person, she gets money out of online. NO MAN SHOULD HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HER, AND WOMEN AREN’T HER FRIENDS NOW THAT HER REPUTATION IS OUT. She’s a liar, backstabbing, psychotic, Home Wrecker.

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