Crystal Clear Digital Marketing — Unprofessional Work

TOTALLY UNPROFESSIONAL WORK- BIGGEST MISTAKE WE MADE! When we signed up at an convention, we assumed we would have a quality firm to work on our behalf. The red flags started to show up within months into our contract. Here are a few highlights: A cookie cutter site was created for us, and we had it analyzed to find out that the quality was worse than an amateur would put together. Several different 3rd party web site tools showed the performance to be a 10 out of a 100 (unfortunately not able to add a screenshot here). Our description literally read the following: “Just another Crystal Clear Digital Marketing Sites Site”. I could have never imagined that with the amount we paid per month ($2500), this level of neglect would be offered to us in return. They speak quite a bit about legal aspects and compliance at the conventions;however, they copy and pasted a legal description to our site off of another site they created that is based in Texas. So, our legal disclaimer references the laws of Texas even though we’re in Ohio. We were paying CCDM to create a potential legal issue for us. During a meeting, all issues were responded in a defensive manner, and we were told that 6 months were not long enough to see the results of their capabilities. They didn’t admit that the SEO was of horrendous quality and that we could wait out the entire 24 month contract and never see any results. For a company to tie small businesses into a 2 year binding contract says a lot about their style of doing business and their lack of confidence in their ability to deliver a professional, effective work. So far, we’ve had to hire another company to recreate a web site. Their professional opinion was to not even try to salvage the CCDM-created site due to the poor quality on the front and back end. We made a huge mistake choosing them! We’ve stopped payments and are in the process of hiring legal counsel. It’s interesting that they no longer have a “reviews” area on their page. There have been many others in the med spa industry who’ve had very alarmingly similar experiences, yet, the reviews don’t reflect any of this! Beware, look elsewhere.

Crystal Clear Digital Marketing
5750 Major Blvd STE 500
Orlando, FL 32819-7965
(866) 847-6242

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