Cree Munroe — Edmonton, Canada

INTERNET: Meet Cree Munroe. I guarantee you’ll never have seen a more lazy, toxic, waste of a life than this thieving ***** Cree Munroe. She lives in Edmonton (free of charge of course) with her boyfriend now, because she burned through her contacts here and took advantage of people who let her stay for free while she figured herself out. This chick stayed rent-free with me for 2 months then she moved a guy in while I was in the hospital, turned my house into a party den, then, TO TOP IT OFF: She stole $200 of the perfume products that I sell as part of my business at the farmers market. She lives like a slovenly pig and sleeps till 4 am and spends all evening taking stupid videos of herself putting makeup on (for her audience of ZERO because no one even watches her posts) and goes online sleeping around with dudes and giving herself STDs. This woman is literally an overgrown child with daddy issues looking for some dude to pay all her bills and solve all her problems so she doesn’t have to work. De She’s achieved nothing in life and she’s a literal street *** who knows how to manipulate and deceive. She even abandoned her own teenage son. Avoid this human being at ALL costs, she is absolute trash and you’ll regret bringing her into your life if you do.

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