Craig Adams — Sarnia, Canada

This sociopath posted his ex on here twice because he is just that psycho! He cut her Internet Xmas day so her kids couldn’t play their new games. He runs her friend that just was driving her home from work, his Lamsar work truck trying to run them in a ditch while driving drunk broke into her house while she went away and drank her booze smoked in her house, and put random lawn care items in each room of the house. The last gf he had he ****** all over her couches and spray painted white across her living room wall. He’s a piece of **** dad that makes it sound like he does so much for him. now he is a meth head. He loves to claim to be so together but living in the basement and no car makes me laugh. Oh, wait you also are a big fuking rat. The proof is out there. Move on Craig try to stop smoking crack and compulsively lying.

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