Courtney Brown — Norfolk, Virginia

I’ve been dating my man for 18yrs now. We have had an amazing relationship with more upset than downs. During our down moment this hoe eases her way in. They use to work with each other she would pick hime up daily and alot of time our two beautiful kids would be with us. So she was fully aware he was with someone. But that didn’t matter to her. She made herself quite available for my man and in the lowest point of his life he went for it. Guess what she gets pregnant. I find out a month after that child is born. Of course I was hurt and in disbelief. It was like I didn’t know this man I fell in love with many yrs ago. He apologized and I explained I fight over no man. If he wants her he should go be with her. He wants me. He wants our family. She was a huge mistake that happened during a depressed funk. That he promised will never happen again. Now this Low life of a woman has a child by my man who NO LONGER wants her. Barely wanted her unless he was highly intoxicated anyway. So now she has two kids who’s father’s she is not with. She can make up whatever she wants about the situation. But the fact of the matter is SHE WAS DESPERATE, saw my life been in my home and fell in love with my life. Thinking he was gona give you what he gives me. Wrong. This is 18yrs boo boo. You are like a millisecond in those 18yrs. And YOU BEING SO DESPERATE (HAVING A BABY) PROVES WHAT TYPE OF WOMAN YOU ARE. I mean who raises these women. My man didn’t buy her 1 gift. He didn’t pay for not 1 hotel room. I heard she went in her pocket book with joy paying for everything. It’s pathetic how easy alot of these insecure women are now a days. Pathetic Courtney Brown, your just plain pathetic.

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