Courtney Anderson — Lowell, Indiana

The lovely Courtney Anderson decided to steal my husband. After a year and a half of marriage, we were finally going to have our wedding… until 12 days before our scheduled wedding date I realized he was having an affair with the precious Courtney. What did I do first? Call her and inform her of every detail possible. Did she listen? Nope. She continued to stay in a relationship with him. I kicked his a$$ out of my house and they moved, literally, right around the corner from me. My son, while waiting at his bus stop, would see them drive past in the morning. It has taken everything in me not to go beat people up. Neither of these insignificant drains on society are worth jail time though. So here. This is what she gets. A post on a website with the hopes people see her true colors. Enjoy him, Courtney! Hope he was worth it!

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