Cory Mccooeye — Kingston, Canada

A serious CLOWN. Hangs around sidekick PEDI Chad BLythe touched WHAT TO HORRIBLE TO SAY WHAT THIS MONSTER IS CAPABLE OF DOING WITH ANYONE BUT whatcha out for your **** cory mccooeye aka joker takes the seat cant ever he number 1 when You’re doing number 2 Also pathological liar. De dresses up as a woman secretly and can is trusted 1 bit. Will say anything you say against you because he has no personality or mind of 0is own. Parasite 4 sure Says he hates Gays. How dare you Chad IS wearing double earrings Loud n clear bio crowns for KING DDDY GAYY why u call chad Daddy cory. And Stay clear for he likes to bring out nasty with his old ladies T and J. 😉 nasty cracks on princess Ew MCewwe Clear up your SMELL WITH gotohuhfonow

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