Corey LeJohn Ray — Illinois

Met a loser on a sugardaddy website. I was in a rough patch in my life and I was looking for a bit of financial assistance. I had heard from a friend that she was able to get her college bill taken care of and figured I could do the same thing.Met a man that claimed to be Wes Lion (real name is Corey Ray) online. He talked a really good game. Sent me pictures of places he was traveling to for “work”, including beautiful beaches, fancy hotel rooms, fancy restaurants. We would Facetime at all hours and crazy hours. He really like middle of the day or very late at night and would often want to see me, but wouldn’t let me see him. He would make every excuse why I couldn’t see him like his camera was broken or he was in bed and it was too dark, but he loved asking to see my ******* and my other lady parts. Sometimes he would abruptly hang up, usually after I heard a woman’s voice or the sound of a door opening.

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