Codi Brooke Farley — Theodore, Alabama

She started working for my boyfriends company in late july. Has a little girls voice and pretends to be sweet and innocent, couldn’t be further from the truth. I noticed the change in behavior but not right away. Supposedly he says it only lasted a couple of weeks and they only slept together twice. Twice too many times in my book especially for a man who so strongly spoke of loyalty, something he obviously didn’t understand. I confirmed my suspicions on august 14th when I intercepted a message from her to him saying ” it seems like her feelings are more important than mine” of course they are. So I called her from my phone and asked her who the **** she thought she was and that yes my feelings are more important and to stay away from my man. Then she thought it was ok to message me telling me that if I didn’t treat my man right that someone else always would. s\So apparently this isn’t her first time as sidechick. Unfortunately for him she proceeded to text me non stop for days and stating that I was only living there cuz I had nowhere else to go. I told her we were still together and she said that I needed to leave them alone and be happy if they break up. to leave their relationship alone. I said you first, cuz my relationship isn’t over yet. and of course i ended it then cuz he lied repeatedly since and now she sleeps in my bed and attempts to run his company which I used to do. He is now bleeding money and I’m waiting to get tested for stds because from what I’ve seen and heard she sleeps with everyone. Including some of his other employees and friends. He’s an idiot and she has a target on her forehead. If i ever see her again ill be on a account requesting bond. I hate this tramp and she deserves some exposure. I’m gonna share this on facebook and hope others who have been affected by her slu**y ways find the post and put her on blast for what she is. Good job Alan, u traded the best thing you ever had for this trash.

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