— Beware of

Beware of I came across this site as a legit way to make money from home but as I looked in to the site more it started looking suspicious. You are paid per job for doing online tasks but as I got to looking at some of the tasks that were listed it became fishy. For example one of the tasks to earn money was asking you to upload a picture ID other than a driver’s license. Another was to upload a picture of yourself, with no other people in the photo with you, from the last five years, another was to take and upload a picture of your child doing activities.

I had already created a profile with my name, DOB, address etc before I started noticing all the fishy things going on. You can’t see any tasks until you have made a profile.

After seeing all this I opted to delete my account which in return I received an email stating that my account would be officially deleted after 40 days along with my personal information. Why would a company need to hold on to the personal information for that long. It’s all very weird and just doesn’t seem legit the more you look in to the site. There’s no contact number, no email, no address.

This site needs to be looked in to and taken down!

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