Claes Brameus — Park Ridge, Illinois

De I trusted this man and he lied to me. A few months into the relationship, my credit card balances had gone from $0 to $50,000. Yes, I had been showered with attention, diamonds, automobiles, vacations and roses, I just didn’t know at the time that I would be paying for all of it, and that was only part of the problem.”

“I found out that he had lied about his educational background, credentials, status, profession, real estate holdings, and other claims. Then I found out my diamonds came from his ex-lover’s dead body. I went to the authorities, they said ‘lying is not a crime’. I abandoned any hopes of financial restitution, filed fraud charges and hoped that the next person to come into their life would take the initiative to check their background and investigate their records.”

“I understand that I had been in love with an idea and I had been betrayed. When my friends asked me to explain what happened, I said, It was like a puzzle, with all the pieces floating around the room, the pieces weren’t quite together yet, but I knew as soon as they were, it would be a really ugly picture” and it was.

12 thoughts on “Claes Brameus — Park Ridge, Illinois

  1. OMG this guy needs to be put in a cage!! Makes you wonder what ELSE he’s done. WHAT A PLAYER!!! avoid avoid avoid!! RUN LIKE ****!!

  2. Amazing. I met this guy from Craigslist. Not at all surprised he ended up on here. He seems/seemed fairly normal (albeit a bit wacky) at first… turned out to be a total nutjob. Claims he is a realtor and works at Keller Williams, claims also to be a DJ amongst other things… He talks about his daughters and how much he loves them but he sounds like a total flake as a parent.

  3. Please, does anyone know how to get him to stop sending nude photos of himself? I’ve told him I’m not interested, but the photos just keep getting more explicit the last two involving chickens and what I think (and hope!) is a stuffed cat are just sick and wrong and most probably illegal. I only thought about going out with him because he said he was a furry, but he’s REALLY into that life style.

  4. I had the misfortune of meeting Claes in a bar once. He seemed like a cool guy to hang out with, except for one odd thing. After every drink, he kept making me do sheep noises, all the while rubbing the crotch of his cow printed leather pants. He asked mei f I ever tried a “dry hump” before, which I assumed was a drink. Oh how wrong I was. He proceeded to hump my leg like a dog, which of course got lots of curious onlookers. Even then I still hung around. What made me leave was him coming back from the bathroom wear a frilly dress and a curly blond wig, asking if he could play “Mary” and I would be the lost sheep. I quickly ran. Never again i tell you….never again.

  5. I know Claes Brameus and I agree.. he’s crazy. I really liked him at first. My whole family did! He and my aunt got married and had a baby. But eventually we saw another side of him. He got really mixed up with drugs and is not totally different. They are now divorced and he is barely able to see his son (if at all) because he cannot be trusted with him. One of the last stories I heard about was him being arrested while his not even two year old son was with him! I did like him at first, but he just made some bad decisions and ruined his life.

  6. FYI – He has already been reported to the police and I have a restraining order against him. His own son also has a restraining order against as well. This guy is a real piece of (insert your own euphamism.)

  7. I know this guy too and I have also succumbed to his charm! However when we returned to his bedroom he freaked me out by putting on a giant dress and dancing in a very strange way to lionel richie. He then tried to make me eat peanuts as this turns him on. Beware if he offers you a berry smoothie!

  8. Oh my ***, I know this guy! We went on a date last Halloween, and he definitely made it the scary. We went back to his house and he started doing the Zombie dance to Michael Jackson’s Thriller, wearing a pair of Y-fronts and eating a packet of peanuts. When I accepted his offer of a Berry Smoothie, he asked me to pour it down his pants and cackle like a witch at the same time. Steer well clear!

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