Cintas Corporation — Overcharging and over billing

Cintas Corporation had a Sales Representative give us a price quote to try their service and discontinue it at anytime, so he said. After using Cintas for months and dealing with deceptive practices by Cintas Sales Representatives, Cintas Delivery Drivers and Cintas Corporation we discontinued services. Cintas continually overcharged for items that were on the price quote. Cintas Delivery Drivers charged for items not left at our warehouse. Cintas then told us that it was a Standard Rental Service Agreement that was signed for 5 years. I never signed this agreement. I am the only one who can sign agreements or contracts.I am the owner operator. A manager signed on what he thought – and was told – was a price quote, not a five year agreement. Every invoice with Cintas had to be reviewed and prices that were over the quote had to be credited. We had to track every over charge. It was continuous. Cintas never corrected the over charging problems, they just continued over charging and over billing. We do not have the time, money or resources any longer to deal with their deception. We just discontinued service with them. Now, the threats from Cintas about buying out our contract, and damages, and so on and so forth…..They broke their so called agreement by overcharging us not once, not twice, but consistantly for months. Cintas broke the contract by not charging contracted prices. We were credited for some of the overcharging, they admitted they were wrong for doing it, but continued overcharging and over billing.

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