Ciara Piwniuk — Winnipeg, Canada

So this country trash *****. Loves to take everyone’s seconds. She will home wreck every good relationship and turn everything to ****. She **** so many guys from the Interlake and has caught herself up with some bad people. She’s got her license suspended for 10 years and just recently got caught driving with her two children in the car. She’s constantly posting snap chat stories of her drinking and driving some of which have her daughter in the background. She has been caught with other women’s boyfriends/husbands/ kids fathers. And is absolutely trash to the Interlake? She thinks she’s the hottest piece of *** around and talks such a big talk when you confront her about anything but is about as good as the slug from a woman’s *p$$y after and nasty cream pie. Every woman should watch their boyfriends around this skeezy trash ***** of a human being… We won’t even call her a woman. De doesn’t trust anything she does or says. She might also steal your quad/bikes/cars/ or any values you might have and try and sell it.

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