Christy Reise — Missouri

This is Christy Reise lier,cheater and thef. She dont care about anyone including here kids. She will fck anyone that has the drugs she wants. And i mean anyone. She will do more then one a night and not even shower in between. Nasty. She sells her kids food stamps for drugs and wont even by him med when he is sick instead she will buy drugs or smokes and mak him do without. She dont work but she will take anyones hard earnd money when they aint looking. She has 3 kids and all have been taken by DFS except one. The youngest kid never had a chance bc she wanted to use drugs and thought that was more inportant then the life of her baby and now the kid has SP. She is the worst person you could ever meet so if you see her let her know she is a POS. Then walk away but she will bring you and everything you care about down to a point where it almost impossible to get back on your feet. She will call the police in a sec to get someone in trouble then blame others for it. So that way she dont look like rat. She is the only person i have ever meet in my hole life that i wish didnt.

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