Christy Henry – Fort Worth, Texas

This is Christy. Long story short..she’s a bar *** that likes to pick up her men at the bar. Even if they work there. She has no problem asking if the guy is married which I don’t see why she bothers to ask, when they say yes, she just tries harder. Which I get, she’s easily 55,60 according to her photos so she doesn’t have much time left to get a mate. de, Her bars of choice are [REDACTED] at the Ft. Worth Stockyards. Her daughter is also a bartender so she gets all the inside scoop from within the bar. She has the ***** to try and steal the husband but if you try to confront her she cowards down like the yssup she is. They say the bigger the hoop the bigger the ***. Her earrings speak for themselves 😂 Her old *** really should be ashamed of herself. She needs to focus on her retirement plan not trying to steal someone’s husband. I bet her yssup smells like the Great Depression..she lived through it so probably lmao. Anyways, she’s a nurse (shocker right) she is very clingy according to the texts to my husband I saw. She’ll give the guy all the compliments trying to make them feel better about themselves, baby this, baby that. She is just a no good, lying, cheating, betraying ***. I curse her name. With her fake *** weave and nails. Girl, at least get some good stylists.

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