Christopher Murley — Halifax, Canada

Talk about a cheater Halifax. Watch out for Christopher Murley, he loves to pretend he is loyal and a tough boy. The way is created drama online and fights with females. He is addicted to the white stuff and has fake teeth because he smoked too much crack and lost his real ones. He has been charged with assaulting several women in his current and past life. He brags to everyone how rough and tough he is but only picks on women and people smaller than him. De he really is a bully. I met Christopher and unfortunately, we dated for 8 months. He took everything I owned. He ruined my relationships, Friendships, keyed my friend’s car (because he didn’t like her) he brought drugs around my kids, he stole from my place of employment causing me to go on stress leave. He showed up at my work when we weren’t getting along. He wrecked my vehicle. He broke the windows out, he cut my clothes, he gave me an std not once but twice. I should’ve learned my lesson. He cheated all the time with anyone who would talk to him and support his drug habit, he owes so many people money, he is such a junky.

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