Christopher Isaiah *** — California

Christopher Isaiah *** of California is a disgusting lying, cheating piece of s***. So, if you are unfortunate enough to have encountered this s*** stain on the earth than you will know that what I’m saying is true. Christopher isaiah *** is a disgusting, manipulative cheating liar. I dated him back in 2013 and our relationship lasted a little over a year. So, if here’s one thing that is a fact about him is he will lie till the end to make sure you are on his side and he will always play the victim. Not only did I personally catch him by setting up a fake profile on a dating site called “meet me”, this is not exaggerated when I say I literally messaged him with a different profile and within five minutes of talking to her he gives this chick that he doesn’t know at all, his address, of course he LIED and said it was just a joke he does it all the time blah blah blah, all b******* like always. Throughout our relationship gilrs would come to me with very elaborate stories about how he attempted to cheat on me with them. These were girls that I knew and he knew…just so you know what a disgusting perv he is I won’t hold back any details. She had told me he invited her over to hangout and smoke, just as friends. She told me she had went n laid down on his bed which was far ways from him he was in his chair, they were watching Netflix and he got up asked her if she wanted a massage she said NO he continued to massaged her anyways. he makes his way up her thighs and started to rub her p****. She said she got up and left because she was disgusted and confused, she knew very well that him and I were together. ANOTHER STORY. So I had hung out with this chick and her bf with my bf, okay , we had all hung out together before. She had told me that they were hanging out and went to a smoke shop he then took her to his place where they began smoking, she told me he then told her he was going to change so he gets up and walks behind her as she’s sitting there she turns around and HE IS STANDING NAKED JACKING HIS D*** OFF AND STARING AT HER. This is just a few things that will turn your stomach about this pig. Not only did he GO TO JAIL FOR RAPE!! he didn’t f****** tell me this, he almost refused to talk about it. After finding this out I felt extremely disgusted with him…and the worst part isn’t over….I felt something very off with my own body so I went in to get a Checkup….this disgusting piece of s*** gave me herpes. Not only herpes he also gave me chlamydia and syphilis. Now if that isn’t enough to give you an example of how f****** disgusting this pig is. I KNOW for a fact he is out there right now, f****** whatever he can and giving them herpes and who knows what else. He never used a condom. AND NEVER WENT TO GET CHECKED FOR STDS ,And by the amount of STDs he had picked up and by the disgusting a** fish d*** smell. Well you know he should be avoided at all costs. Ladies if you think he is cheating on you there is no doubt in my mind he is. I can give you contact to about 5 other girls maybe even more that will tell what I’m telling you. He is a disgusting, manipulative, lying, std infected piece of s***.

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