Christine “Flower” Farnsworth — Howland, Ohio

This home wrecker didnt care that she took my husband of 17 years at the time. She would send me nasty texts about being with my husband. He found out that the grass wad not greener on the other side. After he ended it she went crazy and stalked him and bad mouthed him to his friends. Stay away from this crazy *****.

1 thought on “Christine “Flower” Farnsworth — Howland, Ohio

  1. I agree this chick is crazy!!! She has been dating my friend for over a year. When was she dating your husband?? She is a pathological liar and has serious mental issues. She is mean to my friends daughter. She is also super jealous of his ex-wife and continues to harass her. I Googled her name to see if she has any stalking charges and came across this site with this post. I can’t believe someone else has gone through this ****. I feel so bad for my friend.

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