Christina VanderMause — Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin

This thing is a monster, she will act like she cares and try to get to the root of your problems to help to paint herself in a good light. De christina Vandermause will do what it takes to make you like her and then when you do she’ll latch herself onto you emotionally and then when she’s suked all the life out of you, she’ll make you think that it’s your fault she’s feeling this way, when she is done with you she will try and destroy your reputation by playing the victim and calling you a narcissist and sociopath. ive even seen her go on facebook on a guys profile and post on every public post and claim he was the issue and that she isnt crazy like he claims she is.. but i think we all see you differently christina. she is nothing but a spoiled little ***** and when it comes time to apply any kind of metaphorical effort, she drops out.

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