Christina VanderMause — Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin

Watch out ladies… This one can’t get any more shady. She will flirt with anyone that will give her the time of day. She is a self involved narcissist who will do what she wants without caring who she hurts in the process… Including her own children or husband. Did some digging after this ***** tried to sleep with my man (unsuccessfully). This horrible woman wrecked two homes at once by cheating on her husband with a married man. Showed up for her divorce hearing, pregnant with the married man’s baby… Does it get any more trashy than that? This miserable excuse for a wife and mother only cares about herself. Do yourself a favor and distance yourself *and your husband* from this sl*t.

9 thoughts on “Christina VanderMause — Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin

  1. What kind of woman does it say you are when the only man you can find is a married one? Sl*t it up Christina VanderMause… your day is coming, and I hear karma is a really big b***h… maybe a bigger ***** than you are XOXO

  2. FYI. You aren’t a victim – you are a w***e. And for him- takes a real man to call your wife psycho all because she knows the truth about what you are doing.

  3. Christina ruins relationships. True home wrecker. Mommy and Daddy issues so she gets her “approval” from men.

  4. Christina tries to act like she’s oh-so-classy and innocent but it’s all for show and just as fake and calculated as she is. She was having s*x her boyfriend while he was MARRIED a year prior to him filing for a divorce. Notice the trend? Not only does smelly Christina like to ruin girls she’s jealous of lives but she likes to ruin other women’s marriages too! Anyway, I almost feel sorry for this t**t and the sad life she leads but she’s such an evil vindictive b**** behind closed doors that it’s nearly impossible to sympathize with.

  5. dont bother with this fake floozy she just wants attention trying to hook up with my cousin but on a relationship the next day shes gross and looks like she stinks!! tryna pass around her drds GROSS you need them filters but still a CATFISH!! ugly face and a ugly personality a real FLOOZY hide your uncles hahahahaha

  6. She’s a real piece of work. Check out her game. She’s a gold digger, liar, cheater, master manipulator and the most narcissistic person you will ever meet. Oh it’s all fun and games until someome gets their heart broke and that’s what happens every time.

  7. I have no symapthy for her, as she messaged me several times playing the innocent victim. Ha!!! Your not innocent of anything. Your a poor excuse of a human being. I hate everything girls like you stand for. I hope all the **** you put me through comes back ten fold on you. You will never amount to more than being the **** you are.

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