Christina Rosas Anastasiou — California

Christina was an employee of my husband when he was her supervisor at a Telemarketing company in Van Nuys. They started an affair , unbeknownst to me, and she sent me a private message on October 9, via Facebook to inform me of their sins. Since then, my husband states he broke off their relationship and she continues to harrass me via social media and also posts lies on her Facebook stating she and my husband are still togeher. He and I have been married 25 years, he is 55, she is 40. She knew he was married, living with me abd our 3 children, never separated yet pursued him anyway. She has no morals, loves to harass me and put me down by calling me names, so jealous he’s still with me. Who knows, maybe he’s playing both of us but if she knows he still lives with me, maybe she should let go, stop being vindictive and stay away from me, my husband and family. Women, watch your husbands. This is a woman of no values or morals and is a cruel, heartless, spiritually ill woman.

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